Cryoskin is a cutting edge, noninvasive treatment to remove stubborn fat.

No pain. No surgeries. No down time

If you're frustrated with stubborn fat and seeking a lasting solution, our team is here to help!

With years of combined experience, we’ve helped hundreds of women achieve their body goals. Today is the day you can make one of the most transformative decisions and get a step closer to your dreams.

Developed by medical experts in France, Cryoskin utilizes the principles of cryotherapy to deliver continuous sub-zero temperatures to achieve noninvasive and permanent fat reduction even on the most stubborn areas.


    Cryoskin sessions take about 40 minutes, fitting around you and your lifestyle. You won’t need time off for recovery. In fact, Cryoskin is so convenient, you could have a session on your lunch break or between kids’ activities.


    Cryoskin cools the skin just enough to damage the fat cells causing them to die and then be naturally eliminated from the body. Many of our customers lose about 1” after the first treatment. When surveyed, over 85% of our clients rate their results as “good” or “excellent”.


    All gain, no pain! Unlike other fat loss treatments, Cryoskin has all the fat loss benefits without the undesirable side effects. In fact 88% of people surveyed found the treatment to be comfortable and relaxing.

The Science of Cryo Fat Reduction - Cryolipolysis


- Quantitative Analysis of Volume Loss Following Cryolipolysis

During the therapy, the low temperatures lead to the crystallization and disintegration of fat cells. The injured fat cells are then naturally eliminated by the body, producing permanent fat reduction and slimmed appearance.

Additional reading from PubMed, clinical studies database:

Before & After

“I’ve had amazing results and highly recommend Cryoskin. No cream or workout has ever worked on this area for me before! I think if you are on the fence, just go for it!”

- Ann K.


  • Yes, the device is very safe. Programming is fully controlled electronically. The cooling system is controlled real-time by a temperature sensor located in the ceramic head of the device. Cryoskin was developed by a medical team and is used throughout France and Europe.

  • The treatment lasts for ~ 40 minutes and is performed manually through a massage technique. The session begins with 2 minutes of heat and then a decrease in temperature to -8 degrees Celsius for the duration of the session. The purpose of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to break down the fat cells without harming surrounding tissue.

  • Yes! If you are looking to lose weight or have stubborn areas of fat. Contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding, cancers, and cold allergy.

  • Cryoskin is one of the most effective and safe permanent fat reduction procedures, and over 85% of our customers rate the results as good or excellent.

  • The first results are generally visible from the very first session and often very encouraging. Think of the treatment as peeling the onion layers - every time you come in, we freeze the top layer of fat. You may continue treatments until you achieve the desired look, on average it’s about 5 sessions, 2 weeks apart.

At Peach Body Club, our team leverages years of expertise and knowledge to support women to effectively shed stubborn fat.